Frequently Asked Questions


Enterprise Architecture:

Q: What does enterprise architecture do for you?

A: Enterprise architecture provides a strategic framework, aiding organizations in aligning business goals with IT strategy. It facilitates efficient decision-making, resource optimization, and technology roadmap creation, ensuring IT investments align with overall organizational objectives.

Capital Planning Investment Control:

Q: What are capital planning investment control practices?

A: Capital Planning and Investment Control (CPIC) practices involve strategic planning, selection, budgeting, oversight, and evaluation of investments in information technology and capital assets. CPIC ensures efficient resource allocation, project alignment with organizational goals, and ongoing monitoring for successful IT initiatives.

Q: What is the relationship between enterprise architecture and capital planning investment control?

A: The relationship between Enterprise Architecture (EA) and CPIC is synergistic. EA provides a holistic view, guiding strategic decisions, while CPIC ensures effective planning and management of investments. Together, they enhance decision support, risk management, and lifecycle management of IT investments.

Data Management:

Q: Why is data management important for businesses?

A: Data management is crucial for effective decision-making, risk mitigation, and regulatory compliance, ensuring data accuracy, accessibility, and security for overall business success.

Q: What is data ingestion?

A: Data ingestion is the process of collecting and importing raw data into a storage or processing system for analysis, involving acquiring data from various sources for use in databases, data warehouses, or other processing platforms.

Q: What is data integration?

A: Data integration is the process of unifying data from different sources into a cohesive view. It ensures a consistent understanding of data across an organization, enabling effective analysis, reporting, and decision-making.

Q: How can we get a consistent understanding of data during data ingestion?

A: Ensure consistency by implementing data quality checks, standardizing formats, mapping to a common schema, deduplicating records, managing metadata, handling errors effectively, enforcing data governance, tracking data lineage, using version control, and employing data profiling tools.

Q: What is big data?

A: Big data refers to large, complex datasets challenging to manage, process, and analyze using traditional tools. It involves massive volumes of structured and unstructured data, enabling storage, processing, and insights extraction.

Q: What is data science?

A: Data science involves extracting insights from data using statistical, mathematical, and programming methods. It analyzes large datasets to uncover patterns, trends, and valuable information for decision-making.

Q: Is there a connection between data science and big data?

A: Yes, big data environments provide a context for data science work, allowing organizations to derive insights from massive datasets for better decision-making.

Data Analytics and Business Intelligence:

Q: What is the significance of data analytics and business intelligence for decision-making?

A: Data analytics and business intelligence empower organizations to derive insights, enabling informed decision-making, trend identification, and gaining a competitive edge.

Legacy Modernization/Mainframe Support:

Q: What role does mainframe support play in modern IT environments?

A: Mainframe support maintains stability and reliability for critical business applications, involving troubleshooting, performance optimization, and ensuring mainframe system security.

Q: What is legacy modernization?

A: Legacy modernization updates outdated systems to align with current needs, adopting newer technologies for improved efficiency, scalability, and integration while preserving essential functionalities.

Q: What is technical debt?

A: Technical debt is the cost of suboptimal decisions in software development. Modernization addresses technical debt by adopting updates and improvements.

Q: What is the relationship between technical debt and legacy modernization?

A: Legacy modernization involves addressing accumulated technical debt by implementing updates and adopting current technologies to enhance performance, maintainability, and alignment with current business requirements.

Q: What are microservices, and their relationship with legacy modernization?

A: Microservices are independent software components. In legacy modernization, microservices offer flexibility, agility, and technology adoption by transitioning from monolithic to modular architectures.

Systems Engineering:

Q: How does systems engineering contribute to the development process?

A: Systems engineering integrates disciplines to design, analyze, and manage complex systems, ensuring components work together for efficient and reliable system development.

Cloud Computing:

Q: What is a cloud?

A: A cloud is a network of remote servers on the internet for data storage, management, and processing, providing on-demand access to computing resources.

Q: What is cloud computing?

A: Cloud computing is a model offering on-demand access to shared computing resources over the internet, promoting flexibility, efficiency, and cost-effectiveness.

Q: How should cloud scale mostly? Horizontal or vertical?

A: Cloud scaling should emphasize horizontal scaling for flexibility, fault tolerance, and cost-effectiveness. A combination of both (elastic scaling) is often optimal for varying workloads.

Q: What are the key benefits of adopting cloud computing for businesses?

A: Cloud computing offers scalability, cost-efficiency, flexibility, and access to resources on-demand, fostering collaboration and rapid innovation.

Cybersecurity Measures:

Q: Why is cybersecurity important in the digital age?

A: Cybersecurity safeguards against unauthorized access, protecting businesses and individuals from data breaches, financial loss, and reputational damage.

Q: What is zero trust?

A: Zero Trust is a security framework assuming no trust, requiring continuous verification, minimal access, network segmentation, constant monitoring, and the assumption that a security breach is always possible.

Q: What has accelerated zero trust implementation?

A: The global pandemic and remote work trends have accelerated the adoption of Zero Trust. Its decentralized security measures are well-suited for modern work environments.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) Integration:

Q: How can organizations effectively integrate AI into their operations?

A: Organizations can integrate AI by identifying suitable use cases, investing in talent and technology, addressing ethical considerations, and implementing pilot programs with continuous monitoring.

Q: What is AI?

A: AI stands for Artificial Intelligence, involving the development of computer systems capable of tasks requiring human intelligence.

Q: What is correlative AI?

A: Correlative AI focuses on identifying patterns and correlations within data for predictions or recommendations, using statistical and machine learning techniques.

Q: What is causal AI in short?

A: Causal AI involves understanding cause-and-effect relationships, going beyond correlations to infer relationships between variables.

Q: What type of AI application do we usually see today, correlative, causal, or both?

A: The majority of AI applications today primarily use correlational approaches, emphasizing pattern recognition and prediction.

Network Infrastructure:

Q: What role does network infrastructure play in ensuring connectivity and communication?

A: Network infrastructure forms the backbone of communication, comprising hardware, software, and protocols enabling seamless data exchange.

Agile Project Management:

Q: How does Agile project management differ from traditional project management?

A: Agile emphasizes flexibility, collaboration, and iterative development, allowing quick adaptation to changing requirements for a dynamic and customer-centric approach.

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